Tomie, my Schrodinger spider! 10/13/2022

Sometimes life plays funny tricks on us huh?

This one’s a long-time coming.
Hello Diary! It’s been a while yeah? Two months, and a lots happened.
Tomie, my spider? Not exactly dead, but you know that. I wasn’t sure, when I saw the molt, her container was empty, I was really depressed, honestly, the whole week was ruined. The stress, the anxiety, fear, general state of things and then boom, there goes my friend.
It really wrecked me, days went by, therapy came up, getting dressed 10 minutes before, slide my large mirror closet and BOOM there she is! Alive! Happy! Somehow some way my murderer escaped her enclosure leaving behind her molt to convince me of her demise. Stupid of her honestly, I don’t know how she lasted, how she didn’t get pancaked when I slid the mirror.
Though I have no shame in being outsmarted by an arthropod, I should’ve understood that a corpse being wrapped up in webbing is…bizarre. I had never seen a spider corpse before either, now I know. I was able to finally clean her enclosure, gave her so much love and care, she even has a new lid and is always within my periphery. I hope she likes it.
I’ve been hard at work, updating the site, making it mine, doing my best in every way. (Except Japanese, Japanese is so FAR BEHIND) We’re almost halfway through Inktober and I think I’m doing very well! Riding my motorcycle, taking good care of myself, cleaning up everything so well, more makeup, more learning, I finally finally have my consultations scheduled! 18th and 25th! Wow, that’s almost a week away! How time flies. I’m glad this entries finally done, you have no idea how long it’s been in progress.


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