Category: Archived

  • A force that overcomes a Survivor

    Dear Diary, Things have been much more….chaotic lately. Old friends contacted, ex-therapists called, nights where I scream ideations out loud, I think at one point I was disengaging my depression groove, now all I want is a pill that will kill who I am and stop me from caring. I hate my memories, which is…

  • C

    She’s got this stimpiness, it’s in her bones, and when she looks at it she can’t see her. She never sees her yknow? Never, only glimpses true but they a fragments always always colored by the stimpiness. The eyes just can’t be kind they can’t remove themselves from the stimpiness. The words are terrible, more…

  • 9/28/2021

    Dear Diary I feel so overwhelmed right now. It feels as though every single thing is hitting me at once. I can’t talk about it I can barely draw it I’m extremely agitated and hard to the world. Diary why do people suck so much? Why do they always do the same things? Why do…

  • A ghost in a box with a bow.

    The times that I’m low aren’t a product of me realizing I’ve made a mistake. So often I see suicide being commented on by people who aren’t my kind saying my kind “wakes up”, that they realize they made a mistake and can’t undo it, that their reality is fixed and they’re a freak being…

  • How are you?

    I’m sleepless in bed. What I’m thinking about is everything, yet also nothing. The flip flooping people do, the flip flopping I do. I’m thinking of Paura Palmer and the bitter exes of lifetime engagements. I wonder if they think about me? I wonder if it’s healthy, me always thinking of others. “Am I like…

  • 9/3/21 Diary

    Hi dear diary, it’s been a while so I’m here because the things on my mind are special and I want them to come out once again. I had another breakdown, a real bad one and now that I’m out of it I can only feel the desire to express. I sobbed painfully, heartbroken because…

  • Blue Thursday

    Dear DiaryI’m sorry I didn’t write last nightDear DiaryI don’t know where to begin.Maybe at the end?I’m sitting here writing this with a song on loop.It’s not Nier but it’s something that calls to me,it calls to me because it’s an emotion I can relate to, one I miss but feel I’ve never known. Such…

  • I listened to a heartbeat and realized how comforting they are.

    ba bump ba bump 365 days in a year ba bump ba bump through every sigh and tear ba bump ba bump when I’m wrought with fear ba bump ba bump it is always here ba bump ba bump never giving up ba bump ba bump even when I erupt ba bump ka thump till…

  • I’m having a hard time

    I’m having a hard time believing myself, I’m having a hard time believing in you, I’m having a hard time being happy and I’m having a hard time living life. I’m fully convinced this life is my hell and all I have to do is change my ways and succeed in more ways than financial…

  • Scared Silly

    Truthfully today is still a bleak day despite all I’ve done.I cooked two meals, I made a special hide for my bunny, I even cleaned up my home.Yet this under-cropping dark side of me is still here making me feel like I should just go. I’m hurt, hurt that friends didn’t value me enough to…